Tuesday, May 28, 2013

White Flight in Networked Pubics

This article discusses the possibility that the choice in social networking site says about the person who chose the cite. Most people don't see the difference they just follow the flow of the new thing. The movement from Myspace to Facebook for me was just because it was a new way to connect with friends. Myspace was the place that people were considered to be left behind. I know that when I started making mew friends in high school I would really wanted to be able to contact them or do fun stuff online I knew at that point I needed to Facebook. Most people now consider Facebook to be a great way to meet people and contact people Myspace kind of fell short in that way. Personally I only used Myspace because I could customize my page and being an artist that was just fun creating new layouts and webpage schemes. I also only used it for the music, now Facebook has allowed us to do pretty much all of that on a nicer more updated format. With linking Spotify and allowing people to customize the timeline with cover photos and so on.

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