Wednesday, May 8, 2013



Digitextuality can be seen throughout new media. Especially how graphics develop through the years the film world becomes more and more digital. Most films today include some type of digital manipulation, processing, and CGI. Also to be a successful film needs to have a sense of realism, while also allowing the audience to escape into an alternate world, finally there needs to be a formal aspect to the movie. The movies that seem to hit all of these aspects seem to be the most believable and successful movies.  Digitextuality also shows up in TV, through TV the best types is shown in commercials, music videos, and science fiction shows. These all share the same aspects that films share the digital manipulation, processing, and CGI. Film and TV share computerized textual production and image manipulation using advanced digital editing. 2 and 3D painting on both films a video is used also. Shows must be naturalistic, fantastic, with realistic images. Shows that can be successful at this are shows like crime shows where there is a feeling that the story is natural or realistic. These crime shows also show realistic images from digital manipulation to acting. Producers are trying to keep people continually connected to the show by tying in the internet with the show, allowing people to view extras, cast interviews, games, past episodes all on the internet. I from a personal experience I feel like I know more about the actors on my favorite shows then I would without the show websites. I was also interested in click theory, this theory is like when you keep clicking on your favorite website moving on a line of links. These links is also like a scrolling theory, where people scroll and scroll mindlessly and continually consuming information important or useless. I feel like a scrolling theory is similar to the click theory in the way that people use social networks and multimedia pages like YouTube and Tumblr. 


What aspects of film do you find interesting? What aspects pull you in? What makes you want to watch something (TV, Film, or internet)? 

What about click theory do you agree with? What aspects fit with our culture today?

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