Class Notes


  • Erogenous Zones
    • Why is it not researched in education
    • Digital Pornography
      • idea of streaming 
      • charging credit cards online
    • Is print out of date
      • it's not the cool thing now
      • can be looked at so casually
    • Compare the porn industry to amazon or eBay
      • as an industry they make more than online shopping
  • Race, Gender, and Sex on the Net-Semantic
    • Masculinity
      • strong male, conquer
      • submissive female
    • Mail order brides 
      • sex tourism/gender tourism
    • escaping
      • at home in the real world vs the fantasy of sex tourism
        • actual slaves, not same as at home

  • Lesbians in (Cyber)space
    • show the fosters
      • gay marriage topics being talked about
    • cyber shelters
      • not being judged my your physical attributes
      • identity tourism
        • getting the same support with a different identity
      • going online their all in the same place
    • Divide in the homosexual community
      • is there a separation between males and females
  • Star Wars
    • Farmers and Cinema
      • farmers and farm workers compared to star wars
  • White Flight and Networked Public
    • Myspace is ghetto
      • old run down
      • "not to be racist"
    • Different races connected to different sites
    • ideal consumers
      • 18-45 male "hipster"
  • Biocolonialism
    • what they were going to do with the information
      • corporations controlling the bio diversity of the human genome
  • Hypes, Hopes and Actualities
    • Cartisian
      • separation of mind and body
      • excited about escaping out of their physical body into the virtual one
      • digital language is English language
        • people are free but they are not truly free
    • would other countries say English is the digital language?
  • Race as a Technology
    • not biological or cultural 
      • a way things are established 
    • Judging 
      • skin, impossible not to think something
      • you get lumped into a race/culture
    • what we are on the outside is what we are on the inside
      • not always true - people don't follow the stereotype
      • each race has a dominating culture
        • does the environment altar your race
  • Voices Marginalized on the Internet
    • Women in South Asia
      • stand up for their rights and be heard
        • first in the physical world before technological world touched them
        • more authentic to do it in person
    • Trust
      • how do you trust on the internet
      • Yahoo buying Tumblr
    • Protests online
      • hacking sites and cooperation
      • or just liking a page or watching a video
      • getting people behind it and get some backing
  • Global E-Litism
    • access to sources
      • unequal access to internet
  • Facilitation - Thinking Through the Diaspora
  • Cybertyping
    • describing the internet in the terms of race
      • could have been a good place to forget about race
      • typing a person based on your search
        • do they really know you?
    • how we talk
      • mono-culture?
        • absence of culture that is all that exists
    • after images
    • diversity
      • normalizing whiteness
      • judge someone as an individual not as a collective group
    • Identity Tourism
      • be someone else online
        • trustworthiness/credibility
      • identity to abuse others 
        • chat rooms
  • Race After the Internet
    • ethnicity
      • attaching to a part of you - personal use
      • culture/identity
    • exploitation
      • scholarships - native american communities
    • DNA
      • classify and watch more
      • back ground typing and stereotyping
  • Living Memory
    • share memories or experiences
    • memory and technology together
      • design flaws
      • real life people to manage the site
    • virtual realities
      • not everyone can participate
        • richest people can play
      • link memories to everyone else
        • not just memorizing things
        • pass down stuff and skills
    • Memory/different way of thinking
      • use a different part of the brain 
      • same experience - different interpretation
        • try to explain how you feel
        • memory is yours unique to you
    • Communities online (downfall/savior)
      • full of empathy
      • collective memories
        • 9/11
        • adding another dimension to the conversation
  • Asphalt Games
    • does the technology still distract you
      • bumping into people
      • live action role play
      • apps for games outside - tracking stats
  • Gradations in Digital Inclusion
    • the way the internet is utilized
    • Upper Class
      • lower class uses it as much as any other class
    • Fear
      • loosing human interaction to the computer
      • unknown
        • don't know how it progressed and not being connected to it
        • afraid of liking it so much
    • Cult following
      • World of Warcraft
    • Everyone has access in their home (predictions)
      • wifi will be dead, with only cell phone networks
      • not just about production, more about mobile
  • Documentary: Defining Digital Culture
    • Other worlds
      • everyone is connected and in other worlds
    • Digital Lives
      • The nerd is the new normal
      • distractions - test scores going down
      • multitasking learning environmental may not be good for actual learning
        • Stanford - study
          • multitaskers vs non-multitaskers
          • driving while talking on the phone
          • extreme multitaskers do five or more tasks at once
    • Affects of constant net use
      • addiction?
        • grades dropping
        • health problems
      • less of a thing more of a life style
      • is it challenging them?
        • technology is like oxygen
        • does it help school make more sense
      • Daily attendance and test scores are up
    • The Dumbest Generation
      • younger students reading skills improve
        • writing skills decline
        • college students are not prepared for writing
          • instead of writing essay they write paragraphs
            • less of a notion of the big idea more of short small ideas
            • no connections between paragraphs
            • short term memory/connections
    • Distraction
      • not a new issue
      • reality of information overload
        • learned how to adapt to it
        • sense of open mindedness and exploration
    • Computer Use & Its Impacts
      • different personalities
      • cooking shows
      • filling the gap people are missing
  • Post-Sedentary Space
    • Productivity
      • if you need to take it places then you can
      • fill time and get stuff done
      • change in environment
    • Negative affects
      • physical vs. mental exhaustion
      • blurs the line between work and home
        • when does work start and stop
    • Effects on society
      • wired system could lead to more production
        • vs. having all day to put stuff off
        • empowers the employee
    • Community
      • introverted
      • shaking hands
    • Extremes
      • stay completely isolated
      • completely off the internet
  • Racism and Technology
    • it is more of a way to group and develop
    • racism
      • understanding, ignorance, treating people differently
      • not just feelings or individually based, correlate race with biology but it is a social construct
      • social construct
        • ethnic studies background
        • locates knowledge as a technology
    • technology
      • systems and processes, something that evolves, (limited to machinery and tools?)
      • advancement in anything that is entirely biological
      • tech - machinery/tools
      • ology - knowledge/learning
    • use racism to marginalize people
      • how people have different advantages/disadvantages based on their gender, race, or sexual orientation
    • newest and the best technology
      • universal types of technology
    • Racism in terms of economies vs. morals
  • Reading "cybercultures"
    • globalization
      • jobs disappearing - why college
        • status, intellectual status
    • digital divide
      • split between having it or not, technology
        • global - developing nations/developed nations
          • global resources
          • colonialism
        • social - internet access/no access
          • how you use the internet
        • democratic - sophistication and use
          • racial differences - pleasure vs. business

  • Database
    • cultural form, new symbolic form of the computer age
      • calenders
      • reminders
    • Mobile Technology
      • creates a new sociologic way of life, always have a type of personal communication
      • not carrying a mobile device weeds you out
        • Google calendars
        • phone calls from employers
  • connectivity
    • computerization of jobs
      • telecommuting
      • working with people all  over the world
    • expectations are raising higher than the compensation
      • how much time are you willing to put in off the clock
      • economy - down  means take any job you can
    • Digitextuality
      • digital - anything on the computer
      • intertexuality - text defining other texts
        • relate back to links and the web sphere
      • Fundamental Hyper attentiveness
        • generational multitasking, active attention
          • spreading self too thin, moving around to other objects
          • google glasses
      • Uber Real/ Hyper Real
        • advertising
          • expectation of something that is above and beyond
          • supermodels
          • you can't handle truth
            • fast food - eating and being fat
            • what we expepct out of things
          • advertisments - create a want or longing for it
      • Center of our culture
        • race to the bottom
        • be better, faster, cheaper than your competitor
        • Balances - highs and lows
    • Remediation
      • "new" and "old" media
        • is there anything new any more
        • internet is a hub of all media
          • platform where you get everything else
      • structured the product
        • always new packages
    • Cyberspace
      • what happens online
      • cyber culture - human interaction with the internet
      • Subculture
        • smaller collective within a larger culture
          • ex: religious, ethnic, game playing, work-based, fan...
      • Web Sphere Analysis
        • new tool to look at the interactions online
        • the way we study the web (pre-social network)
        • create new archives 
          • need to explore what the web is
          • sense of permanence (permanent)
          • liquid always moving (ephemeral)
        • soul of the Web
          • "link"
            • how the web grows 
            • nutrients 
        • way we act and interact with the internet
          • engaging part of the web
            • web sphere analysis
      • Study
        • get expression/provide expression
          • where you can interact with the web
    • Quesitons/discussion
      • methodology of looking at social networking sites
        • news as much of a social experience
          • ex: egypt, boston
      • talking about social media as personal
        • privacy issues
      • talking about social media as brand
        • networking
        • purchases, thing you like, ect.
        • everything has become so cheap