Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hacktavism - All Together in the Vitual

This article about hacking is my first experience with hacking. The idea that programs could be developed to hack into high up places like NASA which has government programs and secrets. These programs could be detrimental to a government or a corporation, many files could be stolen or destroyed. With such a hash program hurting peoples files it would make it hard to replace them. I was quite confused when they were discussing how hacking was not burglary or theft, just because there is a trace of the hacker left behind unlike in burglary. I was confused how hacking was different then what I thought about hacking, I thought hacking was a way of destroying or something but they consider it something different. I didn't quite understand the view they took on hacking.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Women and Games

Women in the gaming industry are rising, for me, growing up playing games like Mario, from Super Mario, to Mario Party, and Mario Kart. As I grew up being a girl most of my friends didn't play much video games, I also grew up like my friends playing sports. My parents treated video games as a way to get together for some healthy competition on weekend mornings. As a family my favorite memories were the mornings we would compete and play Mario Kart and eventually that developed into Xbox and Wii games. I found the questions asked like Why do female gamer play digital games? What are female gamer perception of themselves and their gaming experience? How do these perceptions influence their decisions to play and purchase digital games? I found these questions interesting especially having friends who game they perceive themselves as one of a kind or bad-ass. They do know they are numbered compared to the male population but they seem to love it. I also find it exhilarating when you beat a boy at their own game, kind of like "nah nah I beat you at your own game."